Business section
We deliver and cooperate with business customers all across the world.
Take a look at our products and if usefull to your business, let us know.
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- B2B prices for bulk oprders
- Great product for your customers
- Possibility of custom logo engravings
- Great customer support and spare parts availability
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You will love our hookahs

Table top stability
The hookah is very stable due to it’s construction. You can place it on top of the table without as a glowing centerpiece without worrying about the stability of the hookah. Using heat management holder even improves safety of your customers.
Cooling and power
This is not just a design hookah. It was design primarily to optimize it’s performance. Deep dive of the downstem while preserving good flow is possible thanks to short tubing. Deep under water the diffusor splits the smoke through two branches of the copper diffusor. This gets you perfect filtration and cooling especially when overfilling with ice.
Lifetime service
We are aspiring to achieve longest life of our products, provide compatibility with older versions and support our products with replacement parts availability. We are based in Europe and within this region we can offer best prices for service and spare parts.
Decoration possibilities
The hookah is well designed for visual presentation. Create astonishing set-ups using just few slices of fruit and bucket of ice. You can use large pieces of decoration and easily place them in the hookah and just as easily clean afterwards thanks to wide open lid.
Check out our B2B packages:
Any questions?
Are there special prices for bulk order?
You can get sets of 4-6-8 or 12 hookahs for the B2B price directly on the shop. For enquiries above 24 hookahs, please contact us to make sure we will be able to cover your enquiry.
Contact us
The secret to success is ice.
Do you have an ice maker in your business? So you have half won it. Thanks to the wide neck, you can easily fill the pipe with ice. You get perfect cooling and at the same time decorating options.
The pipe should be filled with ice from the bottom to the surface. Thanks to the pressure of the ice, a few slices of fruit will be enough to stick between the wall of the pipe and the ice. With a small amount of fruit, you get the feeling that the pipe is full of it.
Customers will be happy to come back to you for a pipe prepared in full splendor.

Pořád si nejste jistí?
- Pronajměte si dýmku za 2 500,- na měsíc a hned uvidíte, jaký ohlas sklidí u vašich zákazníků! V případě, že už se od ní zákazníci už neodtrhnou, polovinu tohoto poplatku za pronájem vám poté z platby odečteme.
- Jako doplňkovou službu jsme schopni Vám nabídnout také servis náhradních dílů i zaškolení vašeho personálu, Hydrogen Pipes je ryze česká firma.
- Chcete mít své Hydrogen H2O8 personifikované? Neváhejte a ozvěte se! Originální kousek s vaším logem nebo čímkoliv, co vás napadne do vašeho baru je tu za příplatek 1 300,-. Že stále váháte? Mrkněte se na naše realizace.
- Užívejte si kouzla Hydrogen H2O8, tvořte a bavte lidi novými obměnami uvnitř – ovoce, led, podsvícení a další tematické doplňky, fantazie je jen na vás! Představte si stylové večery, bavící se lidi u baru popíjející vaše drinky, užívající si tuto vyladěnou dýmku. Tahle dýmka je tu právě pro vás.
- Budeme Vás informovat o všech novinkách u Hydrogen Pipes a dalších tipech na zpestření Vašeho lounge nebo baru, dostanete všechny skvělé tipy, které se nám dostanou pod ruku, jsme kreativní a to dost!